How are round up transactions handled?
When a user's round up total reaches $20, Gyve will create a transaction from the currently selected draw account. If a user does not reach $20 by the end of the month, the current total will carry over into the next month. Round up totals can be tracked on the Gyve app dashboard
What is the difference between a draw and round up account?
A draw account is where all transactions are withdrawn from, including $20 round up donations. Round up accounts are used to donate the change from each transaction from the associated institution. If a round up account is selected, all transactions will be rounded up to the nearest dollar and donated to your selected charity. Deposits, bank transfers and bank fees will not be used to round up for donation.
How do I get a refund?
Though Gyve is the tool that facilitates your withdrawals, the funds are never in our possession. Contact the administrative team with the organization you have donated to, they can handle all refund requests.
How do I delete or stop a recurring scheduled payment?
There are two ways to manage your scheduled transactions. First is a link in the Gyve app side navigation called "Scheduled". The second is a button on the Gyve app dashboard, recurring tab. This is a button called "Manage Recurring". Once you select one of these options you will be taken to a screen that shows you all your scheduled transactions and where you can stop any of them.
How do I reset my password?
You can reset your password by going into Profile from the side navigation and selecting "Update Password". You will be asked to enter your current password, along with your new one. If you cannot remember your current password, please sign out and go to Forgot password link on sign in screen.
Where can I get my year-end tax receipt?
When you make a payment using Gyve, the money is transferred directly to your intended organization. Gyve never has access to your funds. For this reason, Gyve doesn't send out tax deductible receipts for tax purposes because you are actually paying the charity - not Gyve.
Please contact the charity that you have set up. They can provide you with the official receipts that you need for donation.
What does it mean to "Pause this month"?
Because Gyve is the only app that allows recurring, one time and round up giving, we understand that you would like more control over your funds. Pausing an account stops round up transactions for that month only. The following month your account will be set back to active automatically.
I gave my donation a few days ago, why hasn't it been deducted from my account yet?
Often, banks and credit card institutions will put a hold on new or large transactions. This is to verify authenticity. At most, banks should not hold funds for more than 7 business days. If your donation has occurred outside of this time frame, please contact for further information.
How safe if my information?
Gyve partners with a PCI Level 1 compliant processor, the highest compliance in the industry. Your information is submitted directly to them and Gyve never holds any relevant financial content on it's own servers. Translation...It's as secure as it gets!
If my organization was using another giving solution, do I need to cancel that account?
Only if you have a scheduled recurring transaction setup.
What if I don't want to use an app?
Your charity has an online giving page. You can register, manage accounts, set up round up donations and of course give one time and recurring gifts.
I got an email that said my donation failed to process, what should I do?
The email you received should have directions for your specific issue, however, below is a general way to take next steps and fix the issue.
Mobile App Instructions
Website Instructions
How do I cancel my account?
If you would like to cancel your Gyve account and stop all transactions in the future. Select the "cancel" link on the Profile screen located in the side navigation.
What if I can't find an answer anywhere in this FAQ?
When all else fails, just send us an email. We are always willing to help fix a bug, answer a question or point you in the right direction. We can be reached at